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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I once chose the classic. Go round, shag the bejaysus out of her , then drop the bomb. Guaranteed to be final.
  2. That must have been tough for him ( and you) losing your mother. Did you live with your grandparents when you came back from evacuation, or did they let your Dad come home? My Great Granfather was in the Royal Artillery in WW1 as it happens. He was deaf as a post as a result.
  3. Margaret Annderson- Happy Birthday http://www.toontastic.net/board/user/12122-margaretanderson/
  4. If foreign peoples are coming to watch the Olympics, doesn't it make sense to have multi-lingual staff? Za Za
  5. Do they pay it back in 5p pieces? ( taxi driver joke )
  6. Wow. Was your old man away at war?
  7. "Where'd you go for your holidays this year Parky?" " Leon's shithouse. "
  8. Not that much. We are usually the last link in the chain. Wouldn't do any harm to have a contact mind
  9. Wish I had mate. Would've been a relatively easy job rigging wise.
  10. I've just had an email from another company asking if I can supply a three man team to put up banners on SJP next week. Be ringing them today for details, but if it's covering over those fuck ugly SD sign I'll be doing it, even if it's shit money.
  11. Aye, I agree. Thanks for the recommendations. The image M. Grémille loaded was a version of this
  12. Wild horses had to drag them away.
  13. Seriously though, cheers for the tip Chez. The friends that are coming went on a wine tasting day two weeks ago, so if I get the right wines it's 1000 Fisty points to me. Cheers.
  14. Mine's rotten anyway.
  15. Club needs a sheik up © J69's Mam.
  16. Single fillet of sea bass, small one, sitting on the samphire with a lemon and garlic oil dressing. Takes 6-8 minutes cooking at most. Slow cook the shanks for 3-3.5 hrs, reduce the cooking liquor right down and glaze the shanks with it. Lentils done in lamb stock with caramelised onions, diced carrot and celery, rosemary and garlic. Obviously this will be all ready in advance, and popped in the oven to warm while starters are being made and served. Cheating on the pudding, but ice cream is getting made tomorrow.
  17. Got some friends coming for dinner at the weekend for my birthday. Have decided to do … Starter Grilled Sea Bass Fillet with Samphire in garlic and lemon butter. Main Slow cooked Lamb Shanks In Port and Wine with Garlic and Rosemary Lentils Dessert Belgian Chocolate Pudding with with Homemade Orange Ice Cream. Can't wait.
  18. The sheik's interest began when he saw us on satellite TV.
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