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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What's your username Ant, you've disappeared.
  2. Aye, although I could say that about most I play against.
  3. Should we ever need the Pea Bunker, the future for human-kind is grim …
  4. Kick him in the Pods! Btw, when people go on about Pods, this is what I picture. I had the dark blues.
  5. http://www.blogadilla.com/2008/05/11/the-blogadilla-swedish-furniture-name-generator/ I am Sfisvtii, a lovely chest of drawers.
  6. Eh? Explain your last two posts. ( I have just had a rather satisfying dump btw, firm and cohesive with a satisfying point.… I called it The Anti- Wolfy. )
  7. Like some idiot leaving a spoon in your fork section.
  8. He's not saying he isn't Parky, but he's not saying he is either. Oh the mystery!
  9. I don't. But what possible benefit would the " Authoritay" get from staging this ( and ,by your implication, past events like Columbine)? Give me one credible explanation.
  10. It's not a conspiracy, real people were harmed and died , the presence of young children is not suspicious. Man has been on the moon. You need to smoke less dope and have more sex. (If we're going to correct the loon , we'll correct him. )
  11. No one was harmed… apart from the dead people. Keep taking the pills Wolfy, then have some more.
  12. I've heard about your " all in " drawers.
  13. That's exactly the one we have - Ikea?
  14. We have a perforated metal pot- all go in that.
  15. I'm absolutely paggered. Been ratcheting locking nuts onto 10cm coach bolts for 16 of the past 24hrs. My forearms feel like I've tugged off a herd of elephants. Bath is run, then bed for a few hours.
  16. This mean we can all say cernt now ?
  17. An egg is round, but pointed. Deep shit right there.
  18. I didn't realise they had the internets in jail.
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