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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. The towers were essentially hollow tubes. All the strength was in the 4 external walls of each tower. Once the integrity of the walls was breached ( twice in the second tower, if memory serves) collapse was inevitable. There were at least 10 floors above the impacts, when these collapsed onto the floors below , a shock load onto the structure, the force involved would have been immense. As each floor gave way, it's weight would be added to the shock load onto the floor below, each floor receiving an increased load, and collapsing. Hardly surprising it came down as it did.
  2. Remind me which floor the planes crashed into again?
  3. Ah well, best not bother trying then , eh?
  4. By developing tech/products which "the masses" will be employed to make ?
  5. Indeed Chez, this place needs more crack pipes
  6. No one wants your signed stuff. Take the hint.
  7. Found one. Aaaand that's why she wears sunglasses.
  8. I've always thought our tubby philosopher resembles this bloke. * cue retort of Dominic Whassname pic
  9. 10 points to anyone who posts a pic of Magenta de Vine with her glasses off.
  10. You'll be needing one of these.
  11. Only if you take me to a midnight screening of Batman.
  12. Whilst supping from a can of Gold Label.
  13. TLDNR. I could've been to the moon and back in the time it took to read that.
  14. * dyed in the wool. 80's education.
  15. Challenged , bitch!
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