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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Loads of fit women in the athletes parade, Then… Caster Semenya!!
  2. Have to say I thought it was excellent. The build up was totally underplayed, I was expecting sheep and not much else. Nice to see a bit of humour in it too. ( How fucking Luvvie is Branagh though?)
  3. El Coto has always been on Leazes Lane, you Lardy mess
  4. I'd never have got near the frames, what with my massive boner and that.
  5. Which is where we had our daily "debrief"
  6. They all were, fucking filthy times.
  7. Should've just gone to Africa and rounded up some Baboooooons.
  8. Mental. I couldn't get a pass because my passport was a month or so out of date. But because I wasn't entering the ground, I could carry on. Over 6 days on site, not once did anyone come and check exactly what it was we were fixing to the massive structural beams of the stadium. But they did tip out my flask of hot water for security reasons. All true btw.
  9. So , this so called air. Apparently we are expected to believe that an invisible thing with no substance is what keeps us alive. Pfft! After a few minutes reading David Icke, I am now wholly convinced Air is a con, perpetrated by the Alien Lizard Royals. But that's just my opinion, you are entitled to yours. I have absolutely no evidence to back up my Mentalism.
  10. You are a prime tit, aren't you?
  11. So nuclear weapons are actually angry baboons?? Everything now makes sense.
  12. My mate in Hiroshima reckons they're real.
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