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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I might "browse" the Beach Volleyball
  2. I almost feel sorry for her… Almost.
  3. Why are women sooo bad at throwing?
  4. Nah, it's Sir Steve 5 Medals. The wind wouldn't dare.
  5. And this, a snippet of which was on at the start of the ceremony. If the crescendo from 2:35 onwards doesn't stir your blood, you're dead. ( but listen to the whole thing)
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CI-F7vUrfQw&feature=youtube_gdata_player Fuck you McCartney. Fuck you!
  7. It was. The sense of humour in parts will have had Johnny Foreigner scratching his garlicky head. The Queen and Bond
  8. Aye, would've been 9.75 but for the cripple shagger.
  9. Chapman shot the wrong fucking one.
  10. Take a bow Danny Boyle Take a bow. Then fucking shoot yourself for letting the Beatle ruin the whole fucking thing
  11. Thing is , and I'm as guilty of this as everyone else, the last thing he wants is pity. Fucking hard not too though. As Renton says, when you look at what he was, it's heartbreaking.
  12. Roger Bannister to light it. Isn't it?
  13. Muhammad not looking too good there. Fuck.
  14. Shit bits on now. Time for wine top up.
  15. And the gayest track suits since Jimmy Saville.
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