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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. He won't understand Fish.
  2. Do you part your minge, or have bangs?
  3. John Curry was 1976. I was shocked when I realised when Spitz was, remember it clearly though,
  4. I'm not a fan of Dizee Rascal, but it was still a good show.
  5. All workwear at Nuclear facilities is kept on site and strictly monitored you divvy.
  6. Been in Sellafield myself too. Clearly a Magic Dust powered facility.
  7. So, Satellites and the Entire Physics of the Universe - Bullshit World Trade Centre Attacks - Bullshit Nuclear Weapons and Power - Bullshit Next …
  8. Well there's a big surprise.
  9. No, you tell me. You're the one saying they're something else. Tell me what that is.
  10. It was the breaststroke that inspired me.
  11. Jobs are a lie man, keep up.
  12. Doesn't say he suffered no radiation exposure, says no significant exposure. Subtle difference.
  13. And are you now also saying that as well as nuclear weapons being made up, nuclear power plants are just a great big lie too? I'm guessing you don't believe in Santa.
  14. You got a link to the accident where the American fell in ?
  15. What's your earliest memory of the Olympics? Mine's a clear memory of Mark Spitz winning Gold in the Butterfly at the Munich '72 Games. What surprises me is that I could've only just turned 3yrs old at the time. I remember being fascinated he wore a cap, and had never seen anyone swim like that ( the butterfly I mean). After that my next clear memory is Franz Klammer winning at Innsbruck in the 76 Winter Games. ( I always prefer the Winter Games tbh).
  16. Thought the Arctic Monkeys were ok. But then at 43, I'm so fucking desperate to be cool I'll say owt.
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