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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Thanks for that Leazes. I'll sleep easier tonight knowing that.
  2. No. I love it when accepted theory is proved wrong. You have done none of this though. You simply state " I think …X… is a lie" and offer nothing to show why. Example. Graham Hancock has , for me, shown that human civilisation started at least 10,000 years earlier than the accepted theory, by discovering ancient underwater sites which could only have been above sea level between 12-15,000 B.C. at the latest. Read his book called Underworld. You obviously have plenty spare time.
  3. Fuck that shit! Thems Zombies right there!
  4. Are you unemployed Leazes?
  5. Slash is doing a " My life in music" thing on Radio 6music now. Some good stuff
  6. Fop took a self inflicted shotgun to the head man. And , crazy as he was, had far more substance than the Wolfster.
  7. Did you get got , or did you survive?
  8. (edit; have amended the rules just for you . ) At least follow the rules. Minimum ONE PIC per post. So ,here's some past trouser troublers. Katarina - ice stuff Sharron Davies- moist Flo Jo- fast shit.
  9. Here we go. Olympic totty, past or present. Rules. 1. One pic minimum per post 2. Nee munters. 3. Post their sport ( if you can be arsed) Leryn Franco - Javelin Victoria Pendulous- Bike. Ana Ivanovic - puffs game Natalie Coughlin - moist Lolo Jones -running and shit. Get busy Pervs.
  10. Disappointing? High Standards Stevie ( Shall we have an Olympic Minge Thread ? )
  11. Phelps fails to place in the 400m medley. Oops.
  12. My money is on Phil the Greek btw.
  13. Oh you cunt! You utter utter cunt.
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