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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. He and I do share certain physical characteristics.
  2. Cast of thousands on here tbh
  3. I read a quote by someone who described it as , " Hit ball Find ball Hit ball Etc"
  4. "Golf- a laxative for the ladies. " Catmag. 2012.
  5. Mark Twain had it nailed. "Golf is a good walk spoiled."
  6. No twist here mate. You clearly implied that you doubted Hawkins credibility due to his disability, if you can explain how I should interpret the last paragraph of the long post above in any other way than that, I'm all ears.
  7. Aye, cos all cripples are thick, eh?
  8. Mages? Like Wizards? Choo talkin bout Fushy?
  9. Whaat? Are you craaaaayzeee? You're not suggesting it's round are you? If so, what's stopping the Australians and such from falling off?
  10. What about one that's essentially flat, just a bit lumpy here and there?
  11. He doesn't need to, you're doing a grand job yourself.
  12. And they said Wolfy was mental! …round Earth , pfft.
  13. Gene-" Have you seen the clip of that CT?" Fist -" Eeee, I know, hasn't seen his feet in a decade" Gene- " Nyaahhhhhaaaahhh, youre a terrible bitch, yee are Fisty" Fist - " Just wait til I get started on that Gemmill....."
  14. He did like, I remember him signing "I L Y" into the crowd when he won his races, and thinking, "You're wasting your time mate, if she's shagging you, she's blind"
  15. Manic Taxi Driver breaks into NUFC changing room ,attempts to rape Shane.
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