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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Sammy Ameobi has just won silver in the women's 800m. Good lad!
  2. Brilliant , brilliant run there. (Fist Jnr needed a dump with three laos to go, thank God for live pause, just seen him win now). Superb.
  3. I've been Chezzed. But we're all being Wolfied
  4. Are you suggesting we let prisoners home at night? Puff
  5. You know me, I'm nothing if not original.
  6. Wolfy is a Teesider, isn't he? Found him!
  7. Thats fucked up. Seriously fucked up. Wasn't the bloke seeing the girls mother before he got with the grandmother too? Tangled web.
  8. Aye, cheers men. Sorry like, I went off a bit deep-end there. The point I want to make is that even after all that , I don't want to see the bloke killed by the state. That would be just as brutal. I'd love to know how many victims family's think the same way, I suspect it's more than people would expect, but I doubt the question has ever been asked of them.
  9. Batten down the hatches, Wolfy's gonna get hit by the Chezinator
  10. Cheers gents. It's one of those things you know happens on an all too regular basis , but you never expect it to happen to your family. When it does, it's numbing, literally numbing. I was in a daze for day or two, and things happened so quickly. It happened at my Mother's house, where he lived, so we couldn't get in for over a week, my mother went into Rake Lane with chest pains the same day and was kept in for 3-4 days. Stressful time. I was the family contact for the Police, so any information from them came to me. ( I have to say they were excellent in their dealings with us, the same two officers from start to the end result in court. ). The first time I actually cried was when they gave me the autopsy results. I'd been running on automatic pilot until then, but I think the brutality of it hit then when it was laid out in black and white. He was attacked from behind 5 times to the back of his head with a meat cleaver, losing two fingers as he tried to defend himself, then stabbed 22 times in the back with a kitchen knife, one of them piercing his heart. Brutal and cowardly. Thing is though, you deal with it. You have too. When his killer appeared at Shields Magistrates to be formally charged etc, I wanted to see him, see who this monster was, look him in the eye and that. As soon as I saw him, I knew he'd have the worst time possible in jail. He was overweight, unfit and had a weird , squeaky voice. I knew then that he'd suffer for what he did, and put him to one side in my mind. I barely think about him now.
  11. No sleep til Benton! Makes the best espresso btw, stonking!
  12. Only the real Big Cheeses can answer that Chez.
  13. Sorry to piss on your chips Wolfy, but the answer to your first line is yes. I lost my younger brother to a murderer in 2007, and it didn't change my opinion that the death penalty is wrong. When we had it, it didn't act as a deterrent, people still committed murder. The only justification for it is revenge tbh, and that's medieval thinking IMO. I must admit though, as JawD suggested, I did ask the officer in charge for 5 minutes with his killer ( they had him in custody within 24 hrs of the killing). He said nothing would make him happier than to let me, but of course he couldn't allow it. Glad he didn't really, as I'd have blood on my hands. The second point Renton makes above is the thing for me. All we wanted then , and now , was to have him back with us. His killer was jailed for a minimum of 17 years, I saw him go away, and I can honestly say I very rarely think about him ( the killer). His family expressed their total sympathy and remorse to us, I see no reason they should also suffer for his actions. (See, this what having a view and giving reasons for it is like Wolfy, you should try it )
  14. It's no coincidence that he was nailed to the cross through his Parmes an feet. The clues… the clues! ( They're there in Abondance)
  15. When has CT ever let facts get in the way of a good , half arsed crusade?
  16. CT's new hobby revealed- he's a born again conspiracy theorist. He'll be buying foil hats off eBay as we speak, digging a bunker in his now defunct vegetable patch, and brewing up long life lager for after the Apocalpyse.
  17. Strong stuff that Carling Zest.
  18. He was in on it. Notice the large wheel of Gouda behind his head , below. The clues are there if PEOPLE JUST HAVE AN OPEN MIND!
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