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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Should've got Benwell Floyd on for this like.
  2. Where'd Kate Moss go? I step out for a "toilet break" and it's Annie Lennox in a fuckkng Duran Duran video. Bugger!
  3. If fucking Elton joins Whamboy the telly's off.
  4. He'd have chinned McCartney I reckon.
  5. Makes a welcome change from Pippa's Arse.
  6. I was nearly in that. Got down to the last ten in the auditions.
  7. Ray Davies showing McCartney how it's done.
  8. I'm wetter than a spakka's chin for it.
  9. What research have done, specifically? Throw up, say, 5 credible links to show us the research. Then we may begin to understand why you believe what you do. Who knows, we may even convert But seriously, provide some background to this research you've done please.
  10. It's a strange one. My parents weren't religious in the least. I can count the number of times I went to church as a child on one hand. But they weren't anti-religion, they just felt it was my choice, not theirs, as to what I believed. My wife was brought up in a very "Churchy" family. Summer Church Camp, Sunday School, Church Club, the full Christian works. When I first met her, she was going throug the process of rejecting her belief and becoming an atheist. Interesting times at the Mother-in-Law's , let me tell you We are trying to bring our children up to let them decide for themselves, they experience both people with faith ,and people without. She loves staying at her Granny's , but knows that if she stays on a Saturday night, she has to go to Church with Granny on Sunday morning. Sometimes she doesn't mind, other times she finds it dull. I'm quite happy for her to experience both , as it means when she does come to decide, hopefully it'll be based on , at least partly, her experience of both sides. Obviously, I'd like her to eventually be an atheist, but if she finds faith, so be it, it'll be her choice. What I'm trying to say is that I see my job as a father as that of giving them as much information and guidance as I can, even when some of it isn't necessarily what I believe myself, but then when they are able to choose their own path, at the very least I'll have given them informed choices. Mind, even though he's only 2, I've already told my son " Nee Munters wor Kid, nee munters".
  11. True story- my daughter became very interested in the planets, so we went through them and she learnt them all. She asked why you can sometimes see the Moon during the day, so I explained to her how the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits the Earth. We did this by me being the Earth, her being the Moon, and the tree in our garden being the ( static) Sun. As well as having a good giggle spinning round the garden until we were dizzy, she grasped the concept of planetary and satellite moon orbits pretty quickly. She turned 5 in July.
  12. So , who wins the Camp contest , divers or figure skaters?
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