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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I'm going Mystic Meg on this . * after 20 odd pages of Wolfy chasing his tail* Wolfy - " Medicine is a con, I see this because my eyes are open. All the human body needs is air, nothing more, if you don't eat , you can live forever. "
  2. That's something I've never been able to fathom- go to a barbers, look at the price list and it'll say " Haircut. £ 7.50" You have your haircut, and pay £ 7.50. Barber says thanks and everyone's happy. Mrs. F. goes to a hairdresser, price says " Cut.-£ 25.00. Wash and Style- £ 20.00, Colour -£ 35.00, Bitch & Gossip- £ 15.00 etc etc. " and then having been robbed blind, she's expected to leave a fuckkng monumental tip! Why?
  3. Would it be fair to assume , Wolfy, your stance is …
  4. I think you should lay off the herbal baccy.
  5. With the exception of those Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys, naturally.
  6. " The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence! What country you from?" ( is that Samuel L ?)
  7. You mean this Emma Stone? Her friends call her Emily
  8. According to Berb Smith, you're all a bunch of girls. ( except Catmag and Toonraider , who are exempt, because boobs. )
  9. I sent him this Think he's more pissed off at his knacked Kindle tbh, holiday reading up the swanney!
  10. Bit of culture she says … I was expecting Human Cheese. Impressive painting mind.
  11. Staying on the " When animals attack" theme, I've just texted my brother who started a two week holiday in Greece yesterday. I was after the address of his digs so I could send out a birthday card for my niece. Aaaaaaanyway, he's just told me that today at the beach , he was attacked by a FUCKING BULL!!! As they were walking along this morning, some bloke shouted " behind you!" he turned, just as this beast was lunging at him- he went up on its horns, one gashed his arm, the other went through his rucksack , spearing his Kindle! Sounds mental! I've told him to have steak tonight as revenge.
  12. It's the only the females that bite. Nuff said
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