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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I think the muted response from North East supporters reflects his ambivalence to his childhood region. His footballing achievements are exceptional, no problems acknowledging that. But the man was a monumental cunt.
  2. Does he drive a forklift and hoover up happy pills?
  3. Soooo Very, very good. Quite a slow-burner, even though you know early on who the bad guys are. De Niro is decent (thank fuck he’s packed in the shite comedy), Di Caprio is excellent, but the standout is Lily Gladstone, who plays Molly- Di Caprio’s Osage wife. Briefly, it’s about the murders of Osage Native Americans in the 1920s for their oil rights. More here. My only criticism is that it’s way too fucking long- 3.5 hrs is ridiculous for a movie that could’ve been very well done in half the time. Nee tiddies.
  4. There was a skein of geese flying over the A19 this morning, fighting a losing battle, as they were effectively stationary You could see them thinking “ Fuck this…honk”.
  5. Gemmill- biggest hummer on here. Who’d have thought it?
  6. How else will he pay for the kamagra?
  7. Still not dead, then? sorry @RobinRobin, another false bump. The cheek of these people…
  8. Staggering isn’t it? I’d take away the voting rights of anyone voting Tory who earns less than £250,000 a year.
  9. Very few of the people I’ve known that have had to use benefits wanted to. They all, invariably, felt some misplaced shame in having to use them, even though they were in the situation through no fault of their own. One of the most distasteful things (of the many) about Tories is their utter disregard for people who’ve run in to trouble financially*, trouble usually caused by rancid Tory policies. This, whilst at the same time handing out PPE and Ferry contracts to weeks-old firms with no prior experience, no PPE, and no fucking boats. The billions lost to their mates, and the billions that has been spent on all aspects of Brexit, plus the billions Brexit has cost us in trade losses, makes the cost of giving people a living benefit when it’s needed look like chicken feed. That fucking cunt Johnson and his fucking cunt wife spent more on wallpaper than most families live on for a few years… … then got someone else to pay for it. * unless they have double-barrelled surnames, went to “good” schools, and have a weekend pile in the country, in which case they bung them a few million in contracts.
  10. Surely, given the subject matter, it’s not being brought back but just continuing as ever?
  11. We Knights of The Road refer to motorcycles as speed bumps.
  12. Neither of the Gravy Seals would stand a chance against Colin “The Wanker” Wanker.
  13. I’d read this post but I just didn’t see it.
  14. I used to have an Audi, currently driving a Merc…
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