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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I was thinking the very same tbh.
  2. BREAKING NEWS- For the first time in its history the Notting Hill Carnival has sold out of food this morning.
  3. Little bit of rain and the inbreeds crumple. The unwashed remain unwashed.
  4. Aye, me too. Here's his big moment.
  5. RIP Ultimate pioneer. ( don't even bother Wolfy)
  6. Fuck my life! Just got in from graft. Any moisture knocking about?? Fancy a result here.
  7. Saw the Team GB Paralympic Swimming team train at the City Pool yesterday. Bit rusty, some of them.
  8. http://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Russia/TsarBomba.html Pure nonsense.
  9. Look closely and you can see Disney's signature in the cloud
  10. Link below shows the cell he's in. I wouldn't fancy spending a year on that, never mind the rest of my life tbf. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/inside-norwegian-killer-anders-breiviks-priso?s=mobile (having said that, I'd put murderers in a 10'x10' cell with a blanket and shit pot and hoy some food in once a day, but that's why I'm not a judge).
  11. Surprised Wrenton hasn't posted.
  12. I love it when you talk dirty! #wetasaspackaschin
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