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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. During the investigation an unnamed Aristocratic woman made repeated claims to Scotland Yard that her husband was the culprit, backed up by solid evidence. Her claims were never taken seriously. She was gutted.
  2. Aye, once Wolfy entered , the thread was doomed
  3. Keep me out of this, you wrongun!
  4. Just too many prostitutes, cut his own head off in a slashing frenzy whilst walking down Fawcett St. FACT
  5. NASA covered up the real murderer's identity.
  6. I shouldn't be surprised tbh, at her school there's also an Aragorn and his brother Boromir. I shit thee not. Re. scooters, once you've walked to school with a 4/5yr old a few times, they are a fecking godsend.
  7. It's horrific. French police working on two possibilities, a botched, random, robbery, or a professional hit. Still can't get my head around them missing the little girl for 8hrs. She is 4yrs old, which means there will have been a small child seat in the car. Anyway, looks like her older sister is going to survive. Fingers crossed.
  8. Just walking back from dropping my Daughter, Annie, at school. Ahead of me is a mother with two kids a boy and a girl. " Albrecht! Stop it ! Let Leonardo play on his scooter!" Aye, Leonardo for the Boy, Albrecht (!) for the girl! Child abuse that.
  9. http:// http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-19499157 Poor little mite! Only 4 too. How the hell did they not find her for eight hours?
  10. I'd be getting one of these Holds up to impacts/pigeon shit, no weak points, and would look good at a dinner party. Edit: would look mint on one of these, cruising down "Milburn Way".
  11. You need one of these. In Kevlar. Where's Milburn Way?
  12. Given CT's record, he'll be sick of it by the third episode. At least I hope so, if only for sake of his minge.
  13. I knew a real Victorian, so fuck the lot of you.
  14. Who'd he play for? Sorry , should have said , I meant footballer.
  15. Anyone happen to know the last player to refuse to play on a Sunday? Just curious.
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