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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. There was a bar/club in Blackrock, can't remember what it was called, but we spent several nights there acquainting ourselves with the local's craics.
  2. Spent a month working in Dublin a couple of years ago. Ridiculous prices aside, it's a smashing place. We spent a fair few nights in Blackrock, which is just south. Of all the cities I've been to in Britain and Ireland, the standard of fanny in Dublin is far and away the highest. We saw a Harley pull up at a petrol station, rider got off, took off her lid and was a raven haired beauty in black leather jacket and jeans. Only as she walked to the cubicle to pay did we realise she was also wearing high heels We unanimously voted her the most perfect woman on the world.
  3. Mila fucking Kunis! Sweet dreams chaps
  4. Become? Where have you been fir the last 5 years Deaders?
  5. Has Fish got a girlfriend now? And does she produce runny cheese?
  6. I'll break the imaginary impartiality of the mods and agree wholeheartedly here Paddocklad. Gene doesn't follow the majority by any means, but he can always back up his stance. When he can't, or thinks he's in the wrong, he apologises. Like him or loathe him, he's a poster that brings something to this place , which is never a bad thing.
  7. The utter lack of outrage from Buddhists over the Fat Budhha chain of pubs shows the Muslims how to go about it , tbh And Gene is an outrageous radical atheist, but that's besides the point.
  8. We are utterly devoid of ideas once we pass the halfway line.
  9. I've felt like Jody Foster in The Accused this first half.
  10. Not read thread, or team selection. 3-2 home win. That is all.
  11. In three years - " Good afternoon and welcome to We Buy Any Car.com United versus Arsenal at the Crazy George's Arena. "
  12. Following our " 4 managers in one season" season, nothing this fat cunt does surprises me anymore. Did anyone really think they'd find a decent, morally acceptable sponsor? The cunt will be selling jellied eels at half time next.
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