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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Oil isn't fossil fuel- it's Earth sweat! Classic.
  2. Against. As a deterrent, it doesn't work- those countries that have it , also have some of the highest murder rates. That means it can only be a "revenge" sentence. Which is barbaric.
  3. Without you telling us the issue, confidentially of course , I don't see how we can help
  4. I ended up using that recipe as more of a guide- simmered the lentils in stock for about 15 mins. Didn't have a sauté pan in the digs, so browned the chicken ( used thighs) in olive oil, with diced red onion and carrot, added garlic at te end, then white wine. Lifted the chicken out, reduced the wine, added the lentil and stock from the pan, and added the lemon zest. Chicken back in, squeeze of lemon, and in the oven for 20 mins. Added the parsley for the last 5 minutes of cooking. Served with a couple of baguettes. Was lush. I might try the recipe as stated at home, but tonight's effort is definately getting cooked again.
  5. If you can find a trucker willing to do it at 5000ft then will you try? Might mean a trip to the Alps but I'm sure if we have a whip round we'll get you the fare. One-way naturally.
  6. You'd be fucking swayed if you jumped off the flatbed.
  7. http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/5793/chicken-with-puy-lentils-lemon-and-herbs Working away in Hull this week. Making this for the lads tonight.
  8. Wow! Says he was at risk of his eyes popping out there! Nasty. And Wolfstein, re. this http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/33544-red-bullshit-stratos-record/page__st__40#entry1132281 Follow your own advice, read and digest what I said before replying, there's a love. I didn't say his drogue chute slowed him from 700mph, it was the increase in air resistance as he fell through the thickening atmosphere. You can even do a little experiment if you like. Get a friendly van driver to let you hunker down behind the cab on his flatbed as he boots it to 100mph on the motorway. Then jump up in the air. The last thought to go through your head as you bounce and disintegrate along the road will be " Ahh! that's air resistance!" Please try this, in the interests of open-mindedness
  9. A wild stab in the dark here, but I'm guessing Wolfy also reckons that Kittinger's original 1960 jump was all fake. Just wondering how they managed that in 1960?
  10. Minor point here Wolfy, he wasn't travelling at 700mph when his chute deployed. He was at 5000ft, by which time the increased air resistance had slowed him to terminal velocity. Which is the speed most freefallers deploy their chutes at. Not wanting to piss on your chips with facts and rational thinking , but hey
  11. "Now if you and others look carefully, I said I've started this one for ALL those who THINK this red bull stratos record is a COMPLETE LOAD OF FANNY." In other words, you started it for you and you alone.
  12. I can see how that would pan out. " Is it just me, or does anyone else see through this so called instant replay bullshit?"
  13. One trick pony, the joke wore off weeks ago.
  14. Re. Helium. Clueless. Re. Opening the chute at 700mph, he uses a drogue chute first, then the main. *why am I even responding?? Have a word with yourself Fist *
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