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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That's a right bummer Andrew. Sorry to hear it. I'm sweating off some Christmas poundage today - working on an internal atrium job at the Uni. By the end of today I'll have climbed and descended the equivalent of Big Ben (ish). ( They've left the heating on too. )
  2. It's where the War was ( Oradour is a town which has been left untouched since the War , site of a massacre,)
  3. Ferry trip to Amsterdam Cath? Then when your there ... http://www.amsterdamlogue.com/things-to-do-in-amsterdam-for-kids.html Dead easy to get around on the trams too.
  4. I've just got in from graft to find a pile of holiday brochures on the table. Subtlety is not Mrs. F's strong point.
  5. I can go one better for you LTB, and merge everything into one huge stream of consciousness thread
  6. I think me and HF may be the culprits. Essembee started a thread about Krul's free kick error or some such shite, I merged it with the match thread, meanwhile HF was merging it with the Krul thread. And here we are, all together in one big happy thread
  7. Watch out for the "Chicks with Dicks" hookers. The Anne Frank house is a must, but again, go mid week, and go early. We were first in when it opened, and so had the place to ourselves, very moving and atmospheric in the attic rooms. By the time we left the queues were building already at 9.30 on a Wednesday morning. Resist your lasses exhortations to do a diamond house visit unless you enjoy a glorified sales pitch
  8. We stayed on the edge of the Vondel park, 10 minutes walk south of the centre. ( think Jesmond, without the cuntish students or noise) The Jordaan area, SW of the city is nice, had some great markets. Agree with Alex, go mid week if you can.
  9. Amsterdam is a really nice city for a break with the Mrs. Spent 5 days there with Mrs. F. loved it. Museums, art, history, markets. Take a canal trip too.
  10. Several things are happening this year which will improve my health - 1:The fags are getting binned within the next fortnight 2: I will be cycling more - fuck running ...... mug's game. 3: I might even do some form of organised exercise - I'm thinking yoga at the moment, I don't need strength , cycling will get the aerobic side of things ticking over, what I need to work on is flexibility, so Om Mani Mani etc it is.
  11. Nationalise the Railways, control the Cocks!
  12. His life must be one long episode of " I wish I was my brother"
  13. Best bit of advice I got when Mrs. F. was pregnant was "Ignore every piece of advice you get ". Enjoy the ride Mate, it's awesome. ( btw, as predicted, fucking destroyed all comers in the quiz. 38/40 , 2nd place was 26/40. Retards. )
  14. I'm about to obliterate all opposition in the pub quiz in Barton on Humber. East Yorkshire quizzers are trembling , bitches.
  15. Who the fuck would buy Ranger?? Serious question- I can't see any career path for him other than * arrest * jail *sack *addiction
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