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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Mind, this morning's efforts were 3 on the Bristol Chart.
  2. Take this with you http://m.hotukdeals.com/deals/bottom-wiper-for-only-19-asda-625434?mforwarded=true
  3. Revelling in their stinky life, as they watch their sitter subordinates being torn to shreds by scat hungry beasties.
  4. Au contraire mon brave- it's all about the pressure applied. ( and you seem to know , with curious detail,an awful lot about these shitty roll ups. As that darts player would say " Are You, Experienced?"
  5. Good lad, he's all set for a skiddy free life.
  6. Have shit ( feet planted at Ten to Two ). Finish shit , feet stay as above. Take bog roll, ( quilted,triple ply, school sandpaper, whatever floats your boat).* Stand, whilst simultaneously leaning forward- arse cheeks remain strangers, no winkage of brown eye, crevasse suitably splayed in preparation of wiping activity. (Do not forget to briefly inspect the bowl. This is not negotiable) Reach around/through and wipe arse/thighs/both depending on violence of expulsion. Grab strides, stand upright, sort yourself, wash hands, leave, safe in the knowledge your balloon knot would get a Five Star hygiene ratting. *for CT, substitute this with a rag on a stick.
  7. The path of the righteous stander is beset on all sides by the inequities of the sitters and the tyranny of evil wipers. Blessed is he who, in the name of correct arse wiping stance, shepherds the sitters away from their valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.
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