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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Espero que crash su movilidad vespa, Mujer perezosa gordo
  2. ¿ Pantalones de mierda recientemente,Culo Gordo ?
  3. I thought he'd just particularly enjoyed them.
  4. Here you go Fat Knacker. http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/33770-december-2012-competition-festive-celebration-entries-only/
  5. Kings, knights, lords , ladies, tits , minge, eunuchs, dwarfs, bastards, tits , minge, savages, dragon's eggs , tits , minge, swords, blood, guts, tits , minge, intrigue, twists, plots, treason, honour, tits, minge, traitors, battles, tits , minge ..... No pizza though.
  6. Walk home backwards and you'll clear your own path.
  7. The Man from Del Boldon dishing out sartorial insults, as he settles down in his George at Asda track suit bottoms.
  8. Started here about 3pm. Reckon we've had 6-8 inches so far.
  9. I was 6 when we made it to the Final in 1974, and Supermac was my hero. I remember being absolutely devastated when we lost the final- that option just hadn't entered my young head, we had Supernac, therefore we would win. He was more than just a player, he was a fecking superstar* to me and all my mates. I remember walking down Grey St with my Dad and the unmistakeable, bow legged, barrel chested figure of Supermac approached us coming up the hill. As he passed my Dad said " How Mac!" He replied " Awright Mate" ..... I was dumbstruck, my Dad was mates with Supermac! My old man reckons he was one of the few players from then who would still be a top striker in the current game. * most remember KK's bike crash on Superstars, but Supermac recorded a (then) Olympic standard time of 10.9secs for the 100m on the show.
  10. SpiderFist Jnr- protecting citizens in all weathers.
  11. I'll bet you're first on the list of all your mate's party's Toonpack.
  12. Err .... What is given away, other than there's a midget in it?
  13. I think he ultimately respected Frazier. Was a bit naughty mind. Joe clearly forgave him too .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JImT0sX1G8o&sns=em
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