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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. No problem Blob, except I didn't recommend it. I recommended an entirely different recipe, for different meat, without a stone of pasta. It did have some of that Curry wine though
  2. I've lost count recently , who's CTs current flavour of the week?
  3. Just caught up with this Tikka Saltimbocca.
  4. Good to see people getting so much enjoyment from reading. See what you're missing CT ? Prefer Parky's btw
  5. I reckon CT should dump the taxis and open a cafe in sunderland. He'd make a fortune serving up his healthy specials. I'm deadly serious.
  6. Jesus Titty Fucking Christ! Enjoy the gig Chubby. I'd take some ear tampons to stem the bleeding.
  7. Given the state of your bowels, this statement needs clarification - spill verbally or anally?
  8. RIP Elvis. Edit; consider that joke well and truly nicked btw.
  9. Have they not got March of The Valkyries or Voodoo Chile blaring out from their speakers like??? The Yanks are learning
  10. Squidward at the back there, 15ft away from where he should be.
  11. Not even a Vulcan Mind Meld could improve that.
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