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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Tonight was battle of the hates for me - Celtic (club, fans,the lot) v Andy Bellsend. Andy wins.
  2. Rod Stewart- fuck me! He looks like Thatcher!
  3. I watched it last night sat next to a table full of Wall Pushers. The whining nearly made my ears bleed
  4. And sorry to hear both of your bad news Jill and Fish.
  5. "Call yourself a Bull? You're like a donkey in a Viking hat " *strides off into the crowd to hunt for babes.
  6. Write her a letter ….. " Dear Tooj's Lass The pasta few days since you've gone has made me realise I lost you for fusilli reasons. It was mafalde, not yours - I let my bum spaghetti perversion spiralli out of control. I thought I'd penne this to say sorry. I Marille sorry. Will you come round and I'll try to make it up to you- I've got fizzy wine and your favourite film on TV, I know you love Cavatelli. " Sorted mate
  7. Pissed off. Just got back to hotel in Leeds, had one of the shittiest days at work in a long time, I've pulled a muscle in my hip/arse, and feel like going out and getting shitfaced. And the only match on is fucking Celtic ( although they should get humped, so that might cheer me up!)
  8. Been busy-I've opened a Hand Job place for taxi drivers, it's taken me a week or two to source a powerful microscope for when you roll in , Bitch Tits.
  9. Half of them look like an injury waiting to happen.
  10. Soooo, since we're talking about cameras up the jacksy and uncontrollable shits ..... ..... Quick quiz - Who's this?
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