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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. "I'm taking these trousers to my tailors near Manchester" " Altrincham ?" " No, broken zip "
  2. We don't have too. We higher beings are quite happy for you sitters to root around in your bum sludge to your hearts content. Just wash your hands before you serve the burgers
  3. Use these available at your local aka pre washed baked beans, ( which aren't baked incidentally, but rather they're stewed)
  4. Really? The way the filthy pan dippers are going on in here suggests that , as well as inherent laziness and (barely) latent scatalogical fetishism, a tendency towards Fecal Facism is an essential part of The Sitter's psyche. Dirty freaks
  5. Right, I'm recording this, off to drop Fistlette at Rainbows. Later chaps.
  6. That lady copper to the right has a very nice bag, Paddocklad will be jealous as fuck.
  7. I'll you £ 30 for the lot,Bunter, Tassimo, cartridges, budgie and cage. 24hr offer only- take it now or never.
  8. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2289580/Fabricio-Coloccini-seven-weeks-broken-back.html Can't say I'd fancy a 15hr flight with two broken vertebrae mind.
  9. The same cant be said for your poor Budgie , can it? You heartless monster!
  10. Chilli Garlic Cumin Any semblance of taste.
  11. Bonnie Tyler is representing the UK in this years Eurovision. Holding Out For A Zero?
  12. And sweet corn? Please tell me it's not sweet corn
  13. Are they Baked Beans in there ?
  14. Do a sawing motion on it. You'll destroy it.
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