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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Yay! Thank god for the Torys, where would we be without them.
  2. Well, that was a remarkably pleasant experience for what it was. I had to wait until 1pm for surgery, which was a rare opportunity to catch up on some reading, was in for less than half hour , and I'm back home now. The staff at Hexham were absolutely top notch, extremely pleasant and did a superb job. The NHS, we'll miss it when it's gone. Sat at home now, feet up, looking with horror at the surgical stockings I've got to wear for the next 24hrs- remarkable how 1 small cloth item can make you feel like a pensioner. I might have "a nice cup of tea" and piss myself for the full effect. I'll say it again, the NHS staff are fantastic.
  3. You tell me the intention Chubs, you're the Tory. The result will be a significant rise in homelessness and more debt for the poorest of our country. Will you be out there, manning the soup kitchen and handing out blankets to newly homeless, is that not how the Big Society works?
  4. It's mental. I'd love to hear the thinking behind it. The immediate effect on the social housing association Mrs. Fist works for is a huge drop in monthly income- where previously they received the housing benefit directly, they will get a double whammy of needing more staff to collect what was previously automated, but having a hugely reduced budget to pay them- mental. The social effects, which she's already seeing, make me shudder. One householder only, usually the father if present, will be paid the entire benefit lump sum. In the families Mrs. F. deals with, this means the pisshead/junkie father will have sole charge of an increased amount of beer/drug tokens, fuck the rent , fuck the gas/electric, fuck the council tax etc. "Fuck, we're homeless. " The malice behind this policy is so transparent and leaves me staggered.
  5. That was the project Brock, they had to read to camera from their favourite book whilst someone had at them under the table with a Black Mandingo with fresh batteries. Good Art!
  6. Hexham General, so I'm expecting some straw chewing yokel who'll stare in wonder at the "only two eyes". Thanks for the good wishes chaps, but its really nothing serious. Looking forward to a few days of immobility, giving it Caesar from the sofa- "Wench, bring food and vittels!"
  7. Cheers. Whilst they're attempting to tame the beast, they'll also be removing a golf ball sized lump from my knee. I reckon it's from where my helmet bangs against it.
  8. Going under the knife tomorrow. If the anaesthetist starts talking about Ju Jitsu I'm off the table and running
  9. And it's all over when the white stuff comes pouring out the pipe. Dirty bastards.
  10. That would be ascribing to both Mackems and Essembee a level of smarts I've yet to see demonstrated.
  11. Where's the link for this ? It was an arty farty thing wasn't it? There was a burlesque performer did it too who was 100% muck.
  12. I've got one of the banners that went up on St. James for the Games. Not for sale though
  13. Not sure if anyone's aware of the Universal Credit( one payment of all benefits, in cash, direct to the head of household.) idea the Tories are forcing through, but here's the results of a test run of it ..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21756567 Way to bring down the benefit bill, Tories, yay!
  14. Marty's combing stylings are something we should all care about
  15. Is this a statement or an order?
  16. I'd have said just jeans - this doesn't look like a person who wastes time with frivolities like sex and that.
  17. http://en.rsport.ru/football/20130307/649755991.html " Not good"
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