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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. He gets his Roomba to cook them for him
  2. How long before the Boldon Buffoon has one of these http://youtu.be/RfZMZo1Rclo I'll give him a week.
  3. Defiling here Defiling there Defiling bitches anywhere It's the Fish. *defiling in this case means removing a report from its correct place.
  4. Spent the morning on a speed awareness course. (35 in a 30 zone). Course was decent enough, learned a few things, but fuck me, it proved that in any given group of ten or more people, there will ALWAYS be an utter arsehole.
  5. In your case, that's quite a range.
  6. Combine inhalation with Duck Pizza consumption- increased efficiency.
  7. If someone has taken over all the Shite Direct advertising opportunities in the ground, that'll be worth a fortune.
  8. Loyal???? Don't start him on that again FFS Steve Harper - greedy Cathflap.
  9. Bullied? We try to gently point him in the direction of a longer and healthier life. Then the lardy mess has a kebab and votes in Cameron.
  10. Buy less pre packaged , processed shite. Start a compost bin. Suck it up , fat man.
  11. Duck pizza. How could you miss the Duck pizza?
  12. Yup, still would. More ...... http://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/actresses-without-teeth?s=mobile
  13. Farts like a tramps breath?
  14. Ravens bring word of a gathering cloud of darkness over the Village of the Damned. Beneath the usual smell of cheesy chips, another more powerful smell is cloaking the terrible citizenry- The smell of Fear. Some seek solace in hostelries, downing endless pints of Blue Pop, but there is no escape. At the bottom of every empty jam jar or beans tin, it stares back at them. Fear. In the temples and shrines, rats and other precious items are sacrificed, but to no avail, He that they fear has no mercy. The braver souls, few that they are, whisper a warning as they scuttle from hovel to hovel. " He comes, he comes, in one Giro's time, he comes!" None dare speak his name, they call him The Dark Lord, Rattler of The Onion Bag, but we , the enlightened and the righteous, know his true name. Shola is coming.
  15. Aye, because " pm" and " tonight" are so vague ......
  16. Relax ...... Pardew has kept him locked in his basement since last month, feeding him nothing but Mackem children. When he's unleashed on match day I expect the earth to tilt on it's axis.
  17. 4 dates? That's "ask for anal" time. Enjoy the exhibition, I've been a fan of his for many years, but have never seen his work displayed on the scale it needs.
  18. Jealous. Have you chosen your beeatch to accompany you?
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