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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. What would be the ideal snack to have with a glass of non-existent energy drink? Mmmm, some non-existent dried meat strips. This bloke is a walking, talking acid-fried maniac.
  2. A bright spot in an otherwise piss-wet miserable day today, was these two daft lads, fully kitted up in waterproofs, stood by a flood in the road in Cramlington and asking people to drive through and soak them. All of the cars ahead of me swerved it, as it was deep, but I tooted and flashed them to get ready. Put some revs on, went through it like Moses parting the Red Sea, and looked in my mirror to see the dafties Mint
  3. I think that was down to poor marketing for their latest product.
  4. I mean, you could have put this in a graph… … low effort shit post. Keep it up my man!
  5. Walked past this lad in Gregg’s goods yard just now. I’ll take my omens wherever I can find ‘em.
  6. Following on from my tale in last night’s post, I expect us to shaft these, 5-0, and then do their Mrs. Hat trick from Targett, the filthy bugger.
  7. Let’s be honest here lads, WE are the team Chelsea will be gutted to get. We’re fucking mint.
  8. Many moons ago, when me and my brother used to drink in the Trent before and after games, there was a lad in our loose group of friends who was in to the “shagging cuck’s birds for them” scene. We had Arsenal at home and this cracking bit of Norf Lahndan blonde turned up, with her bloke, ready to be split in half by him after the match. Her lad was a proper Arsenal prick, so we all tagged along afterwards, took him to the Adelphi ( ), then as the night went on we headed down to Malmaison where they were staying. Our lad took his Mrs. upstairs, we took him in to the bar and, as it was a resident bar at that time, we absolutely shafted him for drinks. Got him staggering drunk, he missed out on seeing his lass get buckled, and he’ll have had a shit fit when he got his bill next morning. We beat Arsenal too
  9. @Dr Gloom We’ve had a quick vote in the secret forum, and decided that for this quarter’s charidee donation, fuck the food banks- we’ve got you a (boat) ticket to Tristan de Cunha Lovely place, does a great Penguin Sausage.… … see you next summer 👍
  10. Joking aside, who could possibly tempt Eddie away from us? He’s got the total support of the richest board in football history, he’s utterly adored by fans and players and board alike, he’s over-achieving on the long term plan, and he’s got time in his career to see it through and then enjoy the years of total dominance at his leisure. He’s also a nice bloke and will probably offer Ten Pence the U13 women’s side when he gets peddled. What a bloke!
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