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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Rob Stark is banging Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter
  2. Saw that on BBC breakfast. Whilst drooling over Susanna
  3. Didn't CT give Jonas the MOTM the other week? I'd say that represents an improvement
  4. I'm one of the 2 that voted full backing , you disloyal twats
  5. Sorry to hear about your friend Cath. Please bring me a matador poster with my name on it back from Spain. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase.
  6. But you are all inbred scruffs, you sister fucking vagina.
  7. " We face a mounting threat from Daenerys' army Your Grace, the people are worried. " " Is that the blonde one with the tits?"
  8. I've told you how to do it man! http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/34187-artificial-grass/page__st__20#entry1193183
  9. Pretends to be a Geordie for 6 months on NUFC boards. Claims we are sunderland obsessed. Check
  10. That's because in his 6 months as a Geordie, I reckon the seeds of doubt have worked their way into his skull. He's doubting the Gospel according to St. Niall, and seeing the Black snd White light.
  11. Just another example of pc gone mad. #dailymail.
  12. So, it's entirely your choice to blow your most lucrative shift of the week for the sake of a couple of Erdingers. No will power.
  13. When I used to be a cabbie, I'd regularly go to the game on a Saturday afternoon, then go to work. Taking the entire weekend off because of 90 minutes of football is CT's decision, so the £200 a game excuse is just that- an excuse.
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