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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Look up Terryology in the personal life bit
  2. If Wykiki knew what I know about what you know, he’d expect you to come out with that, you know.
  3. Think yourself lucky, sugartits. I spent the entire match sat on the bog, drinking pints of water, only to have them turn brown, warm up, and fall out of my arse a few minutes later. When I finally dried up I couldn’t feel my legs and the walk from shitter to bedroom was like Joey Deacon at a disco.
  4. Found this quote about Shearer. “I know at first hand how fierce the gladiatorial battles are between a striker and defenders. So, to maintain your performance as a top class goalscorer over a long period of time takes phenomenal dedication, self belief and enormous willpower. If you then throw in a number of serious injuries...how many? Three? And for the man to still be producing at the highest level is really an amazing feat. After a match against Juventus I met Alex Del Piero who like myself could only speak in the most glowing of terms about Shearer. He'd terrorised the Juve defenders when the clubs met in Newcastle. They found him one of the most difficult opponents they had ever faced. The coach Marcello Lippi had been purring about Shearer's performance. So much so that his strikers Alex, David (Trezeguet) and Marcelo (Salas) were ordered to take home videos and study Shearer's display." — Gabriel Batistuta on his admiration of Shearer, February 2003. “ Bit dusty in here, isn’t it?
  5. I was sitting right in line with Shearer, in the Gallowgate, when that went in. Schmeicel didn’t even try to save it, he knew he was beat. Glorious. ( I’m also pretty sure this was a milestone goal for him, whether total career goals or NUFC goals?)
  6. I’m glad to hear Grandma Fist is wearing her birthday present.
  7. Btw, “Dr. No” is Dougie Smith, Scottish Tory cunt and former owner of Fever Parties, a five-star swinger business. Yes, that kind of swinger. Obvs. Doreen never got invited to any.
  8. The biggest issue I have is her describing M&S as our “national department store” Has this gibbering fool not heard of Fenwicks, or Netto? I blame the brown people.
  9. Isn’t Doreen Norris a published fiction author?
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