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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Pure cuntishness Here's a gift to make up for it.
  2. Saturn visible tonight. Live view here in 3hrs http://events.slooh.com/
  3. White cabbage, Onion 4:1 ratio. Put , raw, through a mincing press , then paprika, cayenne, chilli powder and a bit oil added. Leave overnight then feed to fat drunks.
  4. Monkeys Fist


    Marcelino! Look at this then fucking hang yourself you utter disgrace.
  5. Something like this ? Had one in Greece like the above, was absolutely lovely.
  6. You'd give your right nut to look like me/Dom Edit: Quick Quiz for you CT- what's the main ingredient in kebab shop chilli sauce? I'll give you three goes to get it
  7. Princess Margaret's old shag, Roddy Llewelyn , has just been on telly.
  8. I was never a great fan of the old "elephants leg", and after I ran the kebab shop down from the Crown Posada for a while in the 90s, I've never eaten another
  9. A kebab wrap and chips- food of choice for the pissed and obese. Edit; I think they think its healthy because " it's in a wrap "
  10. "The jobs not what it used to be , too many Polish pilots if you ask me. Coming over here, flying our planes" And I'm done
  11. Thing is, if people were sound, I had no problem handing out the tabs. This lad was Grade A Cath material though. Glad I've wrapped them tbh.
  12. I only fly at nights now, too many idiots in the sky during the day.
  13. Every time I've been out in Liverpool I've been amazed at how many beggars there are. Last time, some Scouse , well dressed and obviously not short of cash , tried to bum a cigarette in a cuntish manner. When I pointed out the kiosk 20yds away that sold them he got seriously shitty with me, to the point where blows were thrown. Fortunately there was a copper van who'd been watching the whole thing, so in seconds they were there, sent me on my way, and picked him up and gave him a fucking bollocking
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