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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Is that Luque on the left too?
  2. So, if we hear of a character in a few years called Bykerella, who kills her foes with flaming stotties, we know where to look.
  3. This should be t’other way round then…
  4. Nope. Hes never had a monocle, or any other kind of glasses. Loads of people think he has a monocle, though. Including you two divots
  5. Did you have to go back downstairs to get your glasses so you could find your phone?
  6. No googling- what style of eyewear does the Monopoly Man wear?
  7. It’d be funny as fuck if the club just forgot about him and carried on paying him until he’s about 50. “ Who’s this I. Hayden?” ” Not sure, never heard of him, must be on the board or something…” ” Fair enough”
  8. Well, ok, since you asked… Here you go, Bilbo 😉
  9. Been having a sweep through ambient music lately- I’ll pick an artist and listen to as much of their music catalogue as I can on a shift. Last night, it was the grandaddies of electronic music, Tangerine Dream. Knew of them, never listened to them bar the odd song. Got through a couple of albums, then this album below popped up and I was like… ” That’s odd, I’ve heard this before…” Took me a while but I eventually remembered where I’d heard it- balls deep in a dorty crazy! Would you like the full tale of dirt, dicking and degradation?
  10. Aye, because as an actual MP he has to do some actual graft, and he will held accountable. His ego overrode his brain in the election
  11. Dear Arsenal £150 million as a starting price, plus Saka coming to us. Otherwise, don’t hembarrass yourselves. Love The Saudi Boys.
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c0lz8xn8zd8o I see the racists are having a normal one, again. Musk rang his bell and the slavering dogs started yapping. Frog mouth saying that the Reform councillors in question will have to be peddled and by-elections held*. Frankly, it’s like a Villa- Everton match- both a set of rancid cunts, and I want neither to win their little game. Nice to see that it didn’t take long for Nige’s current rendition of UKiP to start turning on each other though. *in a case like this, where the by-election is entirely due to one party acting illegally (or at least, against the electoral rules), who foots the bill for the cost of holding the rerun? Surely it shouldn’t fall to the taxpayers?
  13. Wouldn’t be that big if was getting a reach-around in a sauna either, mind.
  14. Even when the ground’s empty, we still put on a better flag display than the morlocks down the road.
  15. I looked the bloke up- it’s not painted graffiti, it’s long-exposure light graffiti, done with a torch or LED.
  17. @wykikitoon just had a message from the Nipper, he’s done too 7a , two 7a+, and one 7b,all clean , and all of them on the 15 meter overhanging wall at his gym. The little bastard😂😂😂
  18. Did you miss his text messages a while back, asking some lass if he could shit on her chest? Unless it was some other obnoxious, bearded, muscle-Mary NUFC vlogger and I’m confused
  19. Gemmill will be free to shit on True Geordie’s chest now.
  20. She’s got some balls on her, I’ll give him that.
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