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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, I was chewing my pen thinking " Just fucking shut up man, and we can all go home!"
  2. Cars have evolved over the decades, human bodies haven't. Hence the speed limits staying what they are. It's not that hard to stay within the limits tbh. ( I say this from the pov of someone with 6 points , for two speeding tickets , 36mph and 34mph- I can't afford to get done again so I stay below, you get used to it remarkably quickly ).
  3. Was I alone in the last episode thinking, "No, keep em on!" when it looked like Sansa Stark might be about to get nekkid ?
  4. There's also a regular mobile camera on Haddricks Mill rd. between the Millstone pub and Matthew bank. This site tells you where and when mobile cameras will be http://safespeedforlife.co.uk/
  5. You'd have to be a terrible shot to miss that mammoth of a moob mountain.
  6. It's not hidden. It parks outside the Leazes Court flats, opposite the old barracks. Still a pain in the hoop. Are they giving you the option of a speed awareness course?
  7. I'm surprised the cunt didn't blame it on their being on benefits.
  8. At least Toontastic's pet MP did right
  9. Mine voted against. Mary Glindon. Labour. Cunt.
  10. Who is this young man with Robert De Niro's face?
  11. "Anha zalak asshekhqoyi vezhvena yeraan!"
  12. And the ones in the dugouts, on the side of the pitch, the hoardings in the stands ........ ..... Essentially , unless they've paid the going rate, I'd like to see SD advertising booted into touch. Won't happen.
  13. Ah, ok. Still reckon WW3 is imminent.
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