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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Did you work for The Sport in the 90s?
  2. Listened to the first track- “I Swear, I Really Wanted to Make a “Rap” Album But This Is Literally the Way the Wind Blew Me This Time“ Not that impressed on first listen. Second track - “ The Slang Word Pussy Rolls Off The Tongue With Far Better Ease Than The Proper Word Vagina. Do You Agree?” Better. I’ll have two of whatever he was on when he came up with the track titles.
  3. My teeth started itching when I saw how he’d spelled neutral.
  4. With friends like you, who needs enemas… …(of the state).
  5. Appropriately, given how medieval the place is, it’s a bit like the dancing plague that happened in France, stress-induced mass hysteria, except instead of dancing, it’s sitting in their Mam’s attics bashing a keyboard whilst frothing at the mouth.
  6. Scouse Mackems deducted 10 points due to something that had the square root of fuck all to do with NUFC. SMB… Rent free.
  7. How dare you , sir! Bootlicking our “superiors” is a fine British tradition. Do you hate Britain?
  8. He’ll be devastated he’s missing his Friday pints. Poor lad. 😉
  9. There’s two ways of interpreting that tweet, I’m going with Dyche and the players regretting signing for them.
  10. It’s like a competitive eating contest in the replies… so many chomps.
  11. Wasted opportunity tbh- we know he’s fucking minted. The real question- ribbed or bobbled?
  12. Which he reads out loud to his poor, timid, longing-for-deafness, wife.
  13. This walking heart attack explains how we’ve ended up with the shitshow we’ve got, tbh.
  14. Boldon’s own Gordon Geekoid.
  15. Django Reinhardt is incredible tbh, considering what happened to his left hand. You can see in the clip above that he’s only got two functional fingers , I think it was as a result of a fire?
  16. This. Which is a remix of this This is what Pink Floyd would sound like if they’d formed in the 1990s. The remix uses the same guitar parts from Gilmour but is more, well, colourful
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