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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. CT was 6ft until he went bald, now he’s 5ft 6.
  2. Especially when he’s got Loose Women streaming on his phone.
  3. Aye, but do they wear them with a maroon tie and school blazer?
  4. Also, the absolute fucking cheek of CT using other people’s wedding photos to take the piss… (Stalker is stalked ).
  5. You’ll be able to tell the difference when we both turn up at your Boldon gaff and shit in your letterbox. ( I’ll be the handsome one, upright wiping like a boss, whilst Gemma gets cacky hands as he squats on your lawn).
  6. Happy Monday Morning- stick with it.
  7. You’d hope so, because the alternative is even funnier than the piss take.
  8. Her, Hen, Joe and Whale were at least in their early twenties. No way Ma Broon was still having kids 20+ years after she popped them out. The Bairn is obviously Maggie’s after a night out on the Bucky. ( Jocks and Geordies was in the Dandy, posh kids comic ).
  9. Since it’s nearly witching hour, @RobinRobin What does @Howmanheyman look like?
  10. Norman Gunston.… with big hairy feet, obvs.
  11. Maggie Broon. Absolute MILF
  12. That’s Gemmill at his Billy Strings gig.
  13. Everton’s lawyers will definitely be taking this approach. Well done Gemmill, you’ve guaranteed their survival yet again.
  14. He was never the same after his Dad, Cheick, passed away.
  15. Given their proclivities, it’d just be “Ho”.
  16. I was at the pool earlier and needed a pee. Thought I'll just go up the deep end and do it. But the life guard still caught me. Fucker blew his whistle that loud I nearly fell in.
  17. The King is visiting Scotland on a cold January day and goes into a butcher's. He's perusing the meat counter while the butcher sits on the radiator. "Is that your Ayrshire bacon?" he asks. "No sir, I'm just warming my haunds"
  18. Wykiki in the background there- “ Appen I were tekking a brew and this yank CUNT!!! were screaming and mithering ovver t’barms!”
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