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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I saw a beauty on holiday this year in Scotland, think I've posted it already, but fuck it .... Yes, it's genuine.
  2. Cook the turkey in the morning, then cover it with foil to let it rest and cool a bit. The juices can cool too, makes removing the fat so simple, as it solidifies. Prep your veg the day before, and store them in sealed food bags to stop them drying out. ..... None of which I will be doing this year as we are going to the mother in law's for lunch I will be making my Green and Blacks Chocolate Crusted Lemon Tart , however, and taking it round. Recipe here ..... http://aksharp42.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/weekend-project-chocolate-crusted-lemon-tart/ Blagging my mates ice cream maker to make a basil sorbet to go with it.
  3. I just showed my 6yr old daughter that picture, and asked her "What does that look like?" Her honest response? " Urgh, it's some sick!"
  4. What the fuck is that? Did you just say some random food words and then make them? " Tonight's abomination? Hmmm Tuna sweetcorn pasta carrot sounds nice, where's the microwave?"
  5. Get the missus to do it when she's finished the ironing - voila!
  6. "Vegetables can actually be really delicious." Is where I stopped reading.
  7. To be fair to CT, I use my micro to steam veg quite often. However, green beans - 4-5 mins, mangetout/sugar snaps- 3-4 mins , broccoli 5 mins. I don't think I've ever programmed it to run more than 10 minutes, never mind Hal an hour
  8. In an age of talentless celebrity, one of the greats has passed away http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25426914 BBC nailing it in two words
  9. Yes indeed! I've crossed everything I'm capable of crossing.
  10. " That's a lovely plate of mutt"
  11. So you cooked fresh veg for over half an hour then? Even worse tbh. And no, any self respecting chef doesn't use gravy granules. I'm with Ant.
  12. I'm just amazed you aren't jizzing over the artful way that carrot has been cooked.
  13. Cooking frozen mixed veg for over 30 minutes? Gravy granules? Get to fuck man
  14. I offered to tell him, but he just started talking about his man-eggs, so fuck it...... His loss.
  15. Happy Birthday you Big Breasted Bumpkin!
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