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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I've been in touch with Google for you. It's working again
  2. I found some details about my Great Grand Uncle Henry who served and was killed on the first day of the Somme. He volunteered at Washington in September 1914 , joining the Border Regiment and saw his first action at Gallipoli in June 1915, surviving that he saw action at Suvla and had further training at Suez, before being shipped to France. The Regimental War Diary entry for 1st July 1916 is as follows, The bit in bold is the part that got me- the gaps in the wire were ranged by the German machine gunners the day before , and the brass were aware of it. Those poor buggers who made it through were then under orders to advance at a slow walk- running wasn't the done thing. Of 839 men from the Regiment , only 200 made it unscathed. All this took place in half an hour. Henry's body was never recovered and his name is on the memorial to the missing at Thiepval Dan Snow can fuck off
  3. Love that he snuck a "derp" face in (at 31seconds in). Special
  4. I'm sure he's been referred to as "that bull's knacker" on here before.
  5. Just watching "Don't Look Down" on C4 , about some kid from Southampton who climbs big cranes. I'll be amazed if some daft tit doesn't kill themselves within the next few weeks/months, trying to replicate it.
  6. Place all ingredients in a blender, liquidise. Drink through straw, accompanied by Horlicks. You're a Grandad now mate.
  7. It was a very hot bath. Scrotum like an elephant's ear.
  8. * jumps out of bath, runs to window. Hmmm, maybe just a bit tiddly?
  9. An Oirish friend has just posted this status on her FB "The moon looks like a potato tonight. .. Have a look!" I seriously hope she's pissed
  10. Wahey! ( I love that the text for that smiley is 'rimshot' )
  11. The dirtier players often made a bee-line for him.
  12. Very fluid movement if I remember rightly.
  13. He's not really sure anymore.... This was all fields when he was a lad.... Is it buttered slice time yet?
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