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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I give you .... Wang Liqin, CT's new hero.
  2. Watching Lilo and Stitch with Jnr, bored witless so look up the cast, found this bloke http://m.imdb.com/name/nm0120309/?ref_=m_ttfcd_cl19 Whichever way you say it,
  3. Can we get the English one for CT?
  4. Why anyone would even consider giving a penny to the pack of cunts in charge is beyond me. Turn the " no spend" policy back on them.
  5. Might be best to observe Omertà
  6. Lesson 1"Dammi una fetta imburrata, ora!" Repeat.
  7. Any clean up/ demolition of the older facilities will be a monumental ball-ache. A couple of years ago I was contracted to help them in the first stages of demolishing a stack. The inside had ledges every 10 feet or so, which where covered in thick dust. The whole thing had to be cleaned without getting any airborne dust, prior to it being taken down brick by brick. When the time taken to climb the to the top of the stack , and rigging, was factored in we would have had under 30 minutes of grafting before we were at the daily limit of radiation. There were 6 blokes in the team, each one costing £ 500+ per day, for over a month. After we were done, a scaffold for demolition needed building, under the same working restrictions, then the actual demolition.
  8. With paws like Joe, every wank is a danger wank. And that's the best I can say about this transfer window.
  9. That's spookily similar.
  10. That's actually spookily close to some of my lists
  11. Half way through the flight someone next to CT snaps their fingers ...... .... and the queue forms
  12. You both have two. There endeth the similarity.
  13. I assume you were referring to Supermac , not the burger clown. Look at these fuckers! How very dare you!
  14. McDonald legs? More like fucking chicken wings.
  15. The swans are brilliant, aren't they? And the big hills, and the lake , and the sea ferry boat, and the funny man, and the cows.
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