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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Ernest Hemingway's personal burger recipe has been published. http://dangerousminds.net/comments/ernest_hemingways_burger_recipe_is_the_manliest_thing_you_can_do_with_a_cow Only to be eaten whilst sporting a full beard and drinking whisky.
  2. Why are you even a smidgen surprised?
  3. Do you think the "current air of despair" has anything to do with 13 goals against us, 1 for in the last five games?He's lost the players. Time to go.
  4. I like how, after the selfie portrait, he gets shy and goes bandit in the rampage pic.
  5. Eileen Drury to replace Llamearse.
  6. So, sitting in the bath having a soak after work, son shouts up, "Daddy, hurry up, tea is ready" " What are we having son?" *top of his lungs " Vasagne!" I turned into Muttley as I sank beneath the surface.
  7. Nice one Chez. Boys are a whole different level of mischief. Enjoy. Will he be known as Noel or Arbre?
  8. Excellent film. Very reminiscent of Goodfellas, and some genuine laughs. The whole scene where he gets his foot caught in the Lamborghini door
  9. Happy Birthday Kidda http://wickedvixens.tumblr.com
  10. "Dear Alin the Boss, Please can I hav the set of Dinosaw transfers for my culllaring-in book, please Thank You Steven T. "
  11. Off to see Wolf of Wall Street tonight with the Mrs. I must say I'm fizzing at the slit.
  12. If it's the one I think it is ( me holding my lad when he's tiny, radiating handsomeness and manliness ) I wouldn't mind a copy, as I've lost the original. If it's not wtf?
  13. Did you hear a "CLAAANG!" as her knickers involuntarily hit the floor?
  14. I bought a candle and a postcard of a chicken. We sat around the candle, looking with wonder at the chicken, and waited for father to come home and light the candle, then beat us with the whooping stick I bought for him. Happy Days.
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