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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Oh. My. God. Actual southern, shandy-drinking la la.
  2. He’s not had a roast chicken with the Lambrini, we’ll be getting a dance video before 7pm.
  3. “ Morning Mr. Gemmill, let’s change your nappy before breakfast!” ” Did I tell you about when I raped them women in the taxi queues?” ” Yes you did Mr. Gemmill, now lie back and pop your legs up” ” Why don’t my grandkids come round anymore?” ” Well,,they weren’t your Grandchildren were they Mr. Gemmill? I think the exclusion order is permanent.… now just hold still “ ” Did I tell you about when I raped them women in the taxi queues?“ ” Yes you did Mr. Gemmill, now, let’s go downstairs for brekkies and bingo” ” I’ve shit myself. Did I tell you about when I raped them women in the taxi queues?“ ” There there, we’ll just give you this little injection Mr. Gemmill, and you can go back to sleep…” Should’ve had steak, mate.
  4. And who do you think will be feeding you puréed turnips and wiping up your piss when you’re stuck in Windy Meadows Bewilderment Home?
  5. Their “guest” guitarist is definitely getting stuck in to Toyah, too.
  6. That lass in the middle looks like Oz’s granny.
  7. Not to mention him killing all the trans folk. What a bastard.
  8. Ironic that he’s said this, when he’s notorious for not paying his bills.
  9. This is listed in Reuters photo archive as “ Sew a fucken button on THAT. “
  10. Apparently it’s a gift from one of Mad Dog’s first professional clubs , Munter Hunters Fc.
  11. 10 Interweb points to anyone who can correctly identify all the items on that table.
  12. 5-0, obviously. We need to step up to the mark here lads, and give a full account of our annihilation of these as PL and his mini bus full of Southern Ponces will obviously not be making the game due to overindulgence and/or arrest the night before. Any suggestions for titty-bars or warehouses* still welcome in PL’s “ Where the fuck can I take this lot without getting them chinned?” thread. * dyslexic pimp. @sammynb- this is your early dementia tag to find the match thread- you’re welcome. Edited title because “at home”.
  13. Whilst I’m pleased we got the points, it would be good to finish a match without a player having another fucking injury- Wilson making himself a sling from his shirt in the dying minutes… he’s just come back ffs. I think Eddie touched on it in his last presser, but there needs to be a good, long look at why we’re getting so many injuries, beyond the fact we have a threadbare squad.
  14. Sorry lads, missed most of the first half as I was liberating Komatsu Forge from a few dozen Mongol bastard. We can relax this second half, Rear Admiral Sossidge is back.
  15. Like I said - dehydrated water.
  16. I reckon if you gave it a stupid name and pitched it right you could sell dehydrated water.
  17. The whole concert is here if you’ve never seen it. I can’t imagine this happening today
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