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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. “ I am Dazzlers Gut. I consist of millions of nerve cells, billions of bacteria, a turd storage area, and provide intuition regarding footballer’s injuries. “
  2. Thank fuck for that- this dodgy cunt had just awwived in the yard
  3. I did a bit of roadie-ing for a mate who was in a mildly successful Metal band way back when - Tysondog. Absolute shite But it was fun, I think.
  4. Aye. 1999 was 24 years ago. Not many current gaffers, other our fwiend, with a managerial career longer than that.
  5. Wasn’t managing in the PL in the 1990s His first job was PNE in 98 until 02. He is also a totally asexual entity.
  6. I like how they’re arranged in order of height ( and relevance)
  7. Would I be cowwect in thinking its a singular list of the alleged wapist?
  8. How can you dispute it if you didn’t see it with your own eyes? Worth thinking about …
  9. Just to piss Renton off a bit, when I was nuts deep in French clunge , the nearest Vietnamese served sake in little clay cups which had a lens in the bottom. When you took a drink you’d see the lens, look at it, and be confronted by a picture in the base of a full on, split-beaver, oriental lady of loose morals. Do this with Ms. Squelch and I’ll buy one.
  10. Don’t beat yourself up man, it wasn’t all fun and flange, I had work to do too.* *. It was. I didn’t.
  11. One of the greatest tragedies of Hefner’s will was that his tape of Dolly “enjoying herself” at the Playboy mansion went in a box to the bottom of the Pacific, along with other, now lost, treasures.
  12. When I was dipping my wick in France, there used to be a fortnightly party held in a little village , Vagnas, ( aye ), where they’d serve Marquisette, a red wine and “alcohol” punch, for 50p a glass. There’d be 4-500 seasonal workers , Brits, French, Dutch, Aussies, every time, getting mullered. They’d open and close it with this… Was fucking hilarious hearing pissed French lasses trying to sing it. RIP Shane
  13. Just a reminder- it’s 60 candles on a cake, not 60 cakes and a candle. Happy Birthday Weeble.
  14. But… hang on. I thought they didn’t want to be in the Corrupt Preemya Leaygue? Isn’t this a perfect result for them?
  15. Could this be the week we finally get the hang of this football lark?
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