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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Death knell for the Yes campaign? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-26705466
  2. I have the theme music from Magic Roundabout in my head.
  3. Gemmill currently searching google for a bracket to attach it to his Roomba Edit: there's a mental image I didn't want on a Sunday evening.
  4. Also, love that Ant's first thought was " Drink!"
  5. That would've been too easy For those who haven't guessed, it's a double dildo pogo stick...... ..... obviously. Given the kind of balance, coordination and sheer determination you'd need to get off with one of these, not to mention a willing partner with similar qualities, I can't imagine the market for these is huge Still, it's getting put into the search bar on Pornhub, purely for research purposes, naturally. Here's the article http://www.cracked.com/article_17372_18-more-worlds-most-disturbing-sex-toys.html/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=fanpage&utm_campaign=new+article&wa_ibsrc=fanpage
  6. Mainly because it's the one that gives the least clue to its use. For those of you wondering, these attachments come with it.
  7. Care to expand on that? ( no pun intended)
  8. Aye, but .... ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!
  9. Did he hoy any casual racism about the place?
  10. the demon drink. He was a well known pisshead, but even so, we still couldn't believe it ourselves. Think we were 11-12 at the time.
  11. We did a similar thing outside Killy club, HMHM, had some old alchy chatting to what he thought was a talking tree. Thinking about it now, the funniest part is imagining his Old Dear's face as he told her about it.
  12. Oh, he's definitely got the monkey glands Took my eye off him for a minute on the way back, when I looked up he was halfway up the bank to Paddy Freemans, clinging on to some tree roots shouting " Daddy, look at me, I'm climbing!" Mrs. Fist started gibbering, whilst I watched him proudly pick his way back down. I'm sure he's got prehensile feet.
  13. Aye .... you meant the anime ....
  14. Had my lot down to Jesmond Dene for a walk this afternoon. After a disappointing search for sticks to hoy in the burn, finding nowt more than twigs, my 3yr old lad disappeared into the bushes and came out with a 6ft branch which was practically a log. He then insisted on dragging the fecking thing 200yds up the dene so he could lob it off a bridge. He was so excited all he could vocalise was a laugh/roar of truimph. Worth it for the looks of middle class horror from the Jesmondites
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