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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye but they don’t want to be in the Premier Leaygue because it’s boring and corrupt, remember?
  2. They’ve definitely nailed the visuals, looks very close to the game. It’ll be interesting to see what the story is.
  3. All joking aside, it’s nice that one of the great traditions of the Third Round has happened, and plucky lower league minnows get to play the big boys. I’m sure the TV money will be a welcome addition to their Lift Fund.
  4. How do you not realise you’ve shit your kegs? She must have a back-eye like the cargo door on a Hercules.
  5. The post match picture from their away changing-shed will be sooooo salty
  6. Have they got 10 defenders in their squad?
  7. I hope Wor Flags organise hazmat suits for everyone in the away end.
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