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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. New business there Fish, along the lines of those fish that ate your feet. " Minge Ferrets, cleaner than razors, less painful than wax...... sometimes "
  2. Why have you ruined the eggs by allowing your dog to shit on them? And, brunch??, you posted this at 9:30am man
  3. Depends how thickly you slice it.
  4. As if the tattoo would stop any of you if you had a chance
  5. When Mrs.F. had her emergency caesarean it was like an explosion in a butcher's shop (our first child, I made the mistake of looking), but never once did the thought cross my mind, " There's a tasty looking chunk, wonder if they'll wrap it up for me?" The Hippies have a lot to answer for.
  6. Using your analogy Fish, Pardew is essentially a frustrated wanker, then?
  7. Seems he's carrying on the fine Mackem tradition of sister fucking.
  8. It'd be time better spent searching YouTube for " How to Slice Food Thinner Than Your Big Toe" videos.
  9. If it wasn't for the biased Magedia, more people would be aware that Eric Gates was miles better than Pele. ( Speaking of the Orc faced tit, 10 points to anyone who can guess what Gates does now? Guess means "don't google it" ).
  10. "but Pardew more so as I think he is making us far too over cautious and almost sending us out scared. I feel a braver manager, not gung ho, would have tweaked the team better and leant more towards our skilful attacking strengths." Weren't you blaming the players just last week, CT?
  11. Puts Fifa's efforts at fining racist clubs to shame.
  12. Decent article Fish, but he can fuck off with "Pardew deserves sympathy". He's deserves fuck all- he knew what he was getting into when he ousted Hughton.
  13. Littlefinger is definitely fucking about with his accent.
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