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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I pity the poor fucker who’s job it was to render the cellulite on the twerking chubber’s butt.
  2. These aren’t the kind of images I get when I put BBC in to google …
  3. When did Pardew qualify as a stock image doctor?
  4. Release in 2025 That gives over a year for all the incels to outrage themselves in to a hernia over the main character being a woman.
  5. What gets louder as it gets smaller? Baby in a compactor.
  6. Doesn’t need to be, they don’t use the top levels.
  7. Mystic Peg. The Clairvoyant Anal Invader.
  8. Fuck’s sake- have they said what they think is up? Also, ask your favourite nurse for a prostate exam Giddup!
  9. I didn’t mean it from any footballing perspective- more that he’s also a rancid bastard that nobody likes. 👍
  10. Btw, I would piss my sides if they got someone like Bilic from the Saudi league.
  11. I reckon Mowbray probably paid them to let him away.
  12. What are the fevered minds in Morlock Central coming up with as their next Messiah-soon-to-be-Villain? Sone of them were wanting Potter the other day
  13. Have they forgotten what happened the last two times they tried to organise themselves in to copying us? The first, at their hovel, was some bits of coloured foil handed out, meant to spell out some fucker’s initials that just ended up looking like the recycling bin after Christmas, And then, for their Wembley appearance at the Papa Joe’s Two For One on Wednesday Trophy or whatever the fuck it was, they cancelled it at the last minute because they hadn’t used flame-retardant fabric They’re a fucking shambles from top to bottom. If there’s more than three bedsheets with some illiterate scrawl on it from Unkal Mick and the Micks they’ll be doing well.
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