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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I couldn't give a fuck tbh. Outrage for outrage's sake.
  2. Probably because whoever laid yours actually finished the job
  3. It's started- pics of the garden, next it'll be pics of your lunch, then you'll be taking The Knowledge.
  4. Iceberg lettuce, beetroot, cherry tomato, cucumber, cheese, spring onion and 5 individual baked beans.
  5. So, it's Mrs. Fist's birthday, going out next weekend. "What would you like for your birthday meal, you saggy old boot", says I. " Steak, chips and garlic mushrooms, you decrepit old wanker", says she. Feel the Love
  6. I'll have a hunt for that, cheers
  7. Not played it yet. I'm trying to get Revelations and play that first.
  8. http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/29590-generic-small-time-football-blather-thread/?p=1276979
  9. Hope you've got plenty factor 50, you know how you Gingers burn.
  10. So, given his moniker on here, can we assume The Wombles are an Illuminati creation?
  11. It's a crying shame you feel you've had to do that Stevie, but good on you. I last went to the Liverpool game straight after they'd sacked Hughton, and that was only because a lad I know had come up from Lonfon and bought the tickets. ( Plastic Scouser too, we had his fucking life in the Gallowgate as the daft bastard had a top on )
  12. Here we go, all aboard , all aboard, the last train to Crazyville is stoked up and ready to go. Tickets please. :crazypilot: :crazypilot:
  13. Interesting piece on our former keeper, Tommy Wright, who's taking St. Johnstone to the Scottish Cup final today. ( imagine, a cup final- relegation looms!) http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/27415121
  14. Amuse yourself by keeping a running total of physical deformities.
  15. What always puzzles me is why these conspiracy nuts always espouse their theories on t'interweb. DON'T THEY REALISE THE GOV'MINT AND THEIR TEMPLAR MASTERS ARE WATCHING????
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