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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Prefer the orange ones personally.
  2. Take; 1.Any random ingredient instead of those in the recipe. 2.Mix them together 3. Microwave the shit out of them 4. Put a piece of raw vegetable on top of it and post the photo on here.
  3. That's common decency- romance is dropping an unused wet wipe on her face afterwards for her.
  4. Outrageous. Should've kicked her back door in to protest.
  5. Seems I have competition for the "Toontastic Casanova" title.
  6. Did the dishes once- moved Mrs. F. to tears.
  7. There's more activity in this thread than there will be at the club.
  8. Were they served in a furry cup?
  9. One plate of beings later and it was a jacuzzi.
  10. "Dad, whys that lady in the picture putting that cheery tomato up her bottom?"
  11. Jesus titty fucking Christ seems apt. http://instagram.com/p/oiZ7-xKZpU/
  12. Why waste a rusty knife? Put them on the CT Diet, they'll never see their cock again.
  13. It's a bit " comme ci kumquat "
  14. From CT's playlist " Nig Nog music"
  15. Buy it. Now. Fuck the contract.
  16. He wouldn't need to. If he read this place for a week he could tell you about your crockery, diet, music taste, inability to handle booze, etc etc ad infinitum. That's assuming he's one of them thar nig nogs with book learnin'.
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