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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. My fivehead starts at the back of my neck now.
  2. Just got in from graft- Three S’s then make some tea, then I’ll imagine…
  3. I’d go for it if it’ll stop you quoting Bangles lyrics.
  4. Just sent this to my “transport planner” It’s a truck on tow in front of me at the lights. This lad is thicker than a gallon of whale spunk.
  5. Worked with loads and they were, without a single exception, fucking unbearable. I worked with a couple of lads from the Wirral who went to great lengths to explain that they were Woolybacks, not Scousers, they were Tranmere fans too. They despised Scousers, more so than any of us on here, I got the impression it was like Geordies and Mackems, but with the same awful accent
  6. That, combined with her destroying social housing, is her legacy, the horrible cunt that she was.
  7. If you log on to Ancestry.com from a sunderland postcode you get Way too complicated
  8. If a mackem and his wife get divorced are they still brother and sister?
  9. His from fear, or yours from the thrill of it all?
  10. This is the smarstest and healiest form of the cook. Show bobs and vagene?
  11. Aye it is notn’t was. When I’m hunting for a buck I like to be efficient, I’ll use the legs, haunch, minge, breast, nothing gets wasted- I always make sure I get the horn, too- pretty essential.
  12. Bad news lads, José is a confirmed MLF, on account of SBR secretly being one too. He’s waiting for Will Still to knock the morlocks back (again), then he’ll be Pennywell bound.
  13. I’m always on the hunt for a good buck.
  14. Yems - love a bit of heal food.
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