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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. I share the concerns expressed above. Can we start a thread for it? The Zimbabwean Crickrt Team Updates Thread, for want of a better name.
  2. That's all a hoax, isn't it? http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/breaking-bad-series-6-is-still-not-happening-9801391.html
  3. Someone should stick a giant piece of sweetcorn on top.
  4. Aye, Ant infected it, on his way to cut Catmag's hair.
  5. I stopped reading at the bit I quoted
  6. Big Sam blames Newcastle for his career stalling. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/sam-allardyce-reveals-three-players-7945130#rlabs=2 I think the reason may have been a little closer to home, Samuel.
  7. Are yours symmetrical Fish? One of my man eggs has always hung a bit lower than the other. ( the right side, if you're interested )
  8. It'll be the "cock and drop" shaped scar he'll regret.
  9. Best thing about these is that if the little twat ever sees them, he won't get any of them.
  10. "Getting off lightly" Don't put yourself down, man. Fnarr fnarr etc.
  11. Rob Lee? Well before CT's time, that.
  12. " it's perfectly normal and healthy. I only use it when you're not here. "
  13. " Say Hello to my leetle fren!" Michael Owen is Cuntface.
  14. Michael Owen sits on the bench for "United" in....... The Cunt for Reds. October. (2009). ( fuck off, its early. )
  15. You could then point at his smoking, blistered face and say " You're fired"
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