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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Presented to the winners by Callum Mawson by the look of it.
  2. You must have some fun memories of your childhood in Handicap.
  3. Wondered what your latest “hobby” was When should we check eBay for 2nd hand keyboards?
  4. “The UK must face down extremists trying to "deliberately" undermine the country's "multi-faith democracy", Rishi Sunak has warned. ” That’ll be you and your pals then, Gimli? You’d almost be tempted to admire the bare-faced cheek of this cunt coming out with a line like that whilst he’s overseen Blobfish and the Rwanda farce, except, that’d be to ignore the decades of damage these utter morons have inflicted on this country, and the decades it’ll take to put a sticking plaster over that damage, because it’ll never be repaired. As it is, it’s being written off as another “WTF?” Tory moment, when it’s yet another insidious, calculated and callous move to deflect attention from their criminally bad governance. I sincerely hope that, in the 5-10 years Labour will get before the Right owned media decide it’s time to bring their pals back, they manage to find evidence and prosecute this lot for their destruction of our society.
  5. That wouldn’t have taken too long then?
  6. I think the word you’re looking for is covfefe
  7. It would depend on whether I’d just watched your ex getting buckled on Onlyfans or not.
  8. Tried making a post. Didn’t have any content. Used random videos instead.
  9. Tea, dessert, or table?
  10. Zer nahi duzu esatea, tximino uzkia?
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