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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Ashley is taking inspiration from the bin dippers- where they had the Boot Room system, we have the Booty Room. Only those prepared to have their tongues surgically attached to the booty of Dear Leader need apply.
  2. He's just been on Sky Mouthathon claiming he invented the Chrissy Waddle haircut. Righty Ho John.
  3. Which leaves me picturing this......
  4. "I'd like to donate blood, so I would." "Grand. Would ye like to bum that fella over there?" " yes I would, so I would. " - fail. " away to fuck , ye bollix" - pass.
  5. http://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/badly-drawn-90s-footballers 15/17. Gutted.
  6. Adjusted for accuracy. Solo trip-I reckon he's asked some random stranger. "Here, Fritz, trek me pitcha man!"
  7. Aye, but we haven't worked with Sir Bobby, or Speedo.
  8. Stokoeshop. Think it got given it's own thread. http://www.toontastic.net/board/topic/29363-inherently-moral-stokoeshop-thread/?fromsearch=1
  9. (Is it not easier just to say "Wednesday"?)
  10. I know a certain coastally based horticulturalist who would disagree.
  11. If Snoop Barnes donates £150,000 to her, I'd say there's a rabbit off somewhere.
  12. I'd say so. Just to get a line from Benton to Forest Hall to Westmoor then Camperdown would involve such convoluted engineering, not to mention a massive amount of purchasing to build it. The existing system, as far as I know, was all routed on existing but defunct rail lines. To get from Westmoor to Camperdown you'd need to cross or go under the main East Coast line too. Can't see it, personally.
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