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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Hang on- I thought the earth was a disc, with ice round the edge and supermagic crystals at the centre, dishing out denpressure and sunlight? Now you're trying to tell me the planet is an oil-cooled liggy?
  2. What's going on, Parky? Is it the Rise of the Morlocks? Sinkhole opens up beneath South Korean pedestrians http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-31602247 Sinkhole opens up in Naples following a broken water pipe http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-31594542
  3. She looks like an after photo for a meth-head with a cracking set of bangers. The crazy ones are always filthy.
  4. Found your stash, I think.
  5. Bloody Mohameds, coming over here,changing our seasons, something something, bacon shed.
  6. Ran that slapper silhouette through my zx81photo editing suite, lightened the x/y monotones, recombobulated the contrast parameters etc. you'll never guess.
  7. Hell's teeth, woman- how long is this birthday going on for? Someone's also put up loads of signs for you on the Felling bypass.
  8. Not guilty. If I could fuck around with peoples' avatars, this joker would be way down the list.
  9. Leave him alone! His dad died in a blazing fire. Blazing.
  10. It did tend to leave you spasticus autisticus.
  11. Aye, Blue was for normal pissed nights, Red was the stronger one, for impressing the classy lasses in Woolco's car park.
  12. Neither of them are fit to lace Wilson's boots.
  13. Cath's lying to sound cool. Only last week she asked me if she could film me bashing the Bishop. Said it was for her collection?
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