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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. "Have the club seen the clip of it? Bulldog licking piss off a nettle...."
  2. What if King is in Ashley's pocket, and this has been planned all along?
  3. CT wasn't just a lurker, man. And yeah, Fuck off Phil
  4. "Certain supporters have noticed on matchdays that the fit bird that works in Greggs ( the brunette one, not the blonde midget),in the Haymarket is sometimes off. What do the club intend to do to remedy this unacceptable state of affairs?"
  5. Really sorry to hear that Stevie. Difficult to imagine the amount of stuff you're dealing with now.
  6. It begins. You've pissed him off now, he'll fuck you over twice as hard.
  7. Honestly though, my hatred of all things Tory is visceral. I was 11 when Thatcher got in, and witnessed the destruction she and her mob unleashed on this country with increasing dismay as I grew older. The thing that I find most repellant about the cunts is that their default target is the "benefit scrounger" underclass- a thing that was largely nonexistent until their fucking policies took effect. They created the thing they hate most. The greatest trick these fuckers ever pulled was getting working class people to vote for them to stop "these benefit scroungers". If I find out someone has voted Tory, all bets are off regarding reasoned debate- you vote Tory, you are a cunt.
  8. Ed Miliband could walk down Oxford street, naked, with a black, disabled baby hanging off his cock, and he still wouldn't be as offensive as Cameron.
  9. And Ebola, don't forget he's African an that.
  10. Ah, viewing on my mobile, I was spared the Horror of Michelle sucking seductively on her pen. Thanks for remedying that. Twat
  11. Football- the entirety of it, summarised in one, sublime, superb post.
  12. Adding Krul's gaffe to the rest of this week's events, I'd like to announce the Official Toontastic Buy Essembee A New Cock, As He's Torn His To Shreds Fund. Please give generously.
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