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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This was the highlight of kids TV when I was a nipper. http://youtu.be/g33PasaOldk
  2. Finding bags of porn mags in the bushes. Damn you internet, you've ruined it. ( never did work out quite why anyone would stash their grot outside, like ?)
  3. Pardew is, was and always will be, a useless cunt. Just because we have a human pie as his replacement doesn't change any of the above.
  4. Tom and Jerry. As a kid, Jerry was the shit. Now, I realise he was nothing but a squeaky little twat.
  5. Robert Pattinson is Cate's greatest role so far. She is him, isn't she?
  6. Say Goodbye from Rosco, Boss. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-32208585
  7. Have you seen BadAidsCancerPiranhanado 2. Great Christmas movie.
  8. For those on the forum who watched us running around like headless chickens for 3-4 years, Pardew is a clueless chancer.
  9. My hopes have just increased , slightly. http://www.talkingbaws.com/2015/03/22/dick-advocaat-points-to-imaginary-watch-on-left-wrist-forgets-hes-actually-got-one-on-his-right/
  10. Have you chinned your lass, or are you keeping that for after the gyeame?
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